gRPC - the new REST!

gRPC - the new REST!

Featured on Hashnode

REST is the ubiquitous way of writing APIs for as long as I can remember. Today I want to introduce you to a new way of writing APIs.

Have you met gRPC?

gRPC is a relatively new way to write APIs and consume them as if you're just calling a function.

  • gRPC originated from RPC (Remote Procedure Call). The client can just call a stubbed method which will invoke the method at the server side
  • all the connection details are abstracted at the client with this stub
  • it doesn't use everyone's favourite JSON to send the data over the wire, but uses a new format called Protocol Buffers (protobuf in short)
  • protobuf is a new way of serializing data in binary format, which cuts down on payload size and readability both

There are lots of pros on using gRPC as the way to write services over REST that I went ahead and created this big table of analysis for you all :)


payload sizeprotobuf: smaller and binaryjson: bigger in size cuz text
underlying protocolhttp/2http/1
commbidirectional cuz http/2 and asyncone way, client to server only (no server push)
integrationjust call autogenerated methodsuse http clients and painstakingly create the request object manually
api specprotofiles and autogenerated codebug the backend dev, or hope for a swagger link and lastly trial and error
speed20-25 times faster: less payload and less CPU to convert from binary formatslow due to text based payloads and new connection for each request, no multi-plexing available


Did I tell you that streaming is a first class citizen in gRPC due to HTTP/2 protocol. That means there are four types of APIs you can write and use

  1. no streaming at all just like plain REST - it's called unary api in gRPC lingo
  2. client calling once and then server streaming
  3. client streaming and then the server responding once
  4. both client and server streaming continuously

types of api

defining the interface

Everything starts from a proto file, which contains the definition of the APIs (methods) that the server will implement and clients can call.

I am going to implement a sum service that would take two numbers and return the result.

Below are the definition of the request and response types along with Sum service

syntax = 'proto3';

 message SumRequest {
    int32 num1 = 1;
    int32 num2 = 2;

message SumResponse {
    int32 sum = 1;

service DemoService {
    rpc Sum(SumRequest) returns (SumResponse);

Once this is done, just running mvn clean install will generate the request, response and service classes automatically which will be used to add the logic of the API (no sweat!)

If you're following along, then take a peek at the /target folder and you'll find all the autogenerated code there :)

making the API ready

Time to see how absolutely lazy it is to create the API

  • creating a file (of course), (cuz that's how Java folks roll)
  • once you create the class, extend it with the auto-generated class of the same name with which you defined the service in the proto file (DemoService)
  • the auto-generated class has methods for the service, like shown below sum
  • it generates the boilerplate code so that you can just add the logic
import io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver;

public class DemoServiceImpl extends DemoServiceGrpc.DemoServiceImplBase {
    public void sum(SumRequest request, StreamObserver<SumResponse> responseObserver) {


Adding the logic for sum service; simplest logic in the world :P

import io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver;

public class DemoServiceImpl extends DemoServiceGrpc.DemoServiceImplBase {
    public void sum(SumRequest request, StreamObserver<SumResponse> responseObserver) {
        int num1 = request.getNum1();
        int num2 = request.getNum2();

        int result = num1 + num2;

        // creating the response payload
        SumResponse response = SumResponse.newBuilder().setSum(result).build();

        // sending the payload
  • you see the response parameter in the method, notice it's of type StreamObserver
  • this means you can call response.onNext() multiple times and finally when you're done you can do response.onCompleted()
  • this shows that even for a normal (unary) api, you can stream the response.

starting the server

With a handful of boilerplate code we can start the server by writing a main program in a separate class. The first line shows creating the server and adding the service to it. A new instance of DemoServiceImpl.

public class Application {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Server server = ServerBuilder.forPort(3000)
                .addService(new DemoServiceImpl())


        // boring boilerplate here
        Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(() -> {

consuming the service

Consuming the service consists of three parts

creating the channel

This specifies the endpoint and port of the service running. gRPC is language agnostic, which means you can write your service in one language and call it using another. But here I'm just sticking with java.

creating the stub

This is done using the auto-generated classes. Stub can be of two types:

  • blocking or sync
  • non-blocking

calling the service

This is just calling a method on the stub which corresponds to the actual service running

// step 1 - creating the channel
ManagedChannel channel = ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress("localhost", 3000)

// step 2 - creating the stub
DemoServiceGrpc.DemoServiceBlockingStub stub = DemoServiceGrpc.newBlockingStub(channel);

// request
SumRequest request = SumRequest.newBuilder()

// step 3 - call the service
SumResponse response = stub.sum(request);

// print the result
System.out.println("Response from gRPC service: " + response.getSum());
  • all the classes used above are auto-generated, notice the request and response types which are the same that were defined in the proto file
  • all you need to do is to pass the arguments and call the sum method

this is the magic of gRPC, on the client you're calling just a method and it invokes the actual remote implementation

streaming both ways

Let's see how streaming work both ways, and the perfect example of it would be a chat api, where client is sending messages over the same connection and server responding.

adding new definition in the proto file

+   message ChatRequest {
+     string message = 1;
+   }

+   message ChatResponse {
+     string reply = 1;
+  }

   service DemoService {
     rpc Sum(SumRequest) returns (SumResponse);
+     rpc Chat(stream ChatRequest) returns (stream ChatResponse);
  • note the use of stream keyword in the service definition
  • this tells both the client and server that this would be a bidirectional streaming api
  • let's see how this affects the generated code as the signature of the method will be a little different

Do mvn clean compile to update the generated-code

adding the chat method in service

Back in, I magically have the chat method signature which looks like this

    public StreamObserver<ChatRequest> chat(StreamObserver<ChatResponse> responseObserver) {

  • notice just one argument to the method, as client will be streaming the request, there's no request object, just the response stream available.
  • also see the return type expected out of the chat method, it's of type ChatRequest, interesting...

So let's implement this

As soon as you try to return the StreamObserver<ChatRequest> object, you'd see this code generated by the IDE. All you've to do is now add logic inside the three methods generated for you.

return new StreamObserver<ChatRequest>() {
  public void onNext(ChatRequest chatRequest) {
    // this will be called for every client message
    // notice the argument gives you the client request directly

  public void onError(Throwable throwable) {
    // when there's an error at client side

  public void onCompleted() {
    // client is done!
    // no more messages would be sent

Let's add the logic to reply to this client and reply back using the method argument responseObserver

public StreamObserver<ChatRequest> chat(StreamObserver<ChatResponse> responseObserver) {
  return new StreamObserver<ChatRequest>() {
    public void onNext(ChatRequest chatRequest) {
       // extract the message
+     String message = chatRequest.getMessage();

       // create the response
+      ChatResponse response = ChatResponse.newBuilder()
+         .setReply("server says thanks for sending: " + message)
+          .build();

      // send!
+      responseObserver.onNext(response);

    public void onError(Throwable throwable) {


    public void onCompleted() {
+      responseObserver.onCompleted();

calling from client

private void chat() throws InterruptedException {
  DemoServiceGrpc.DemoServiceStub stub = DemoServiceGrpc.newStub(channel);

  StreamObserver<ChatRequest> request = StreamObserver<ChatResponse>() {
    public void onNext(ChatResponse chatResponse) {
      // called everytime server replies

    public void onError(Throwable throwable) {


    public void onCompleted() {
      // server is done now

  request.onNext(create("1st message from client"));
  request.onNext(create("2nd message from client"));
  request.onNext(create("3rd message from client"));
  request.onNext(create("4th message from client"));

  • a similar style of api that was implemented in the server
  • same construct of onNext and onCompleted

The final output

server says thanks for sending: 1st message from client
server says thanks for sending: 2nd message from client
server says thanks for sending: 3rd message from client
server says thanks for sending: 4th message from client


All the code for this post is available here.